Thursday, August 1, 2013

DAY TWENTY-FIVE - Character Type

Happy August, y'all.

As a DM in charge of populating a very, very empty fictional world, I've been thinking a lot about character creation, from backgrounds to archetypes; like a simple farmerboy who becomes a heroic paladin or a dirty street urchin who becomes a guileful rogue.

More specifically I've been thinking about personalities. Why should the players care about this one companion of theirs or what makes this villain different and more notable from the rest of the meatbags the party would otherwise slaughter?

For instance, in my second campaign, there's this handsome character that comes off as charming, comforting, etcetera--he seems like a nice guy. However, he's not what he appears to be and will ultimately betray the party.

Later on they'll probably find him again and confront him, but that's a different story.

Today I was thinking about this character and his personality and I realized how much I enjoy these types of characters. Characters who seem nice, they seem like they care about your troubles. Characters who appear to be overall good guys but, somewhere down the road, they ultimately betray you and show that they're only out for themselves.

I think it adds some flavor to a story.  It makes the big bad feel more personal.

It's a pretty popular motif,  I think, so I'll try to use it sparingly. But man, does it get me excited.

I'll see y'all later!


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