Friday, August 2, 2013

DAY TWENTY-SIX - Writing Block

Blogging every day is no easy task.

Well, writing a decent-length entry that stays on topic. I could write about a bunch of random things and keep it insanely short but I want to stray from that.

Part of it, I think, is a combination of working almost every day of the week and all the D&D work I've been doing recently. Both those topics are ripe with blogging subjects but I don't want to constantly talk about Dungeons and Dragons or my work at the restaurant. Even the short story project I wanted to do is D&D related. A little variety would be nice, but damn is it hard to come up with something to write.

I started thinking about ways to deal with writer's block because of this. Going back to the things I've been doing recently, I could use those as stepping stones to other topics. I feel like I've done that a lot recently, so maybe I won't include the "today at work" bit or something; just dive straight into the topic. I could probably try asking a writer or an artist how they get over blocks, too, though I get the feeling the answer would be something along the lines of "find something to inspire you."

So what does inspire me?

Now that's something to think about.


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