Sunday, August 25, 2013

DAY 49 - Restless

Ever feel like you want to do something but you have no idea what that is? I used to get that regularly and they were always semi-intense. I remember one particular summer-like night when that happened and, compounded with the heat, well... that combination did not make for a happy me, no sir.

It's back tonight, though, and boy is it frustrating. I have the urge to do something, anything, but I can't for the life of me figure out what that is. I mean, I have plenty to do: currently I have games I have yet to beat on a multitude of platforms, there's plotlines I need to write for my D&D campaigns (as well as that timeline that I am simultaneously working on), and there's shows or videos I wanna watch but... the mood doesn't strike me. Which is a damn shame because all that backlog ever does is grow.

I know I shouldn't complain. If there was ever a competition for the biggest first-world problem out there, this would definitely finish in the top three if not take the gold. I mean, "wanting to do something but not knowing what" hardly compares to "how am I going to pay for [IMPORTANT THING] this month?" but yes. Still plenty frustrating.

I recently watched The World's End and, lemme tell you, it was pretty good. I won't spoil it too much, but the one of the main ideas was something that I could relate to. I think I've mulled on this topic in one of my posts here--or thought about posting, but I've talked about that before already--but it's the idea of moving on, or coping, or getting somewhere. Right after the movie, I got home and heard about an apparent NYSNC reunion performance on the VMAs. I found the subsequent video on YouTube (I'd link but I bet it's going to be down by tomorrow) and that took me way, way back.

So now I'm feeling rather... mixed, I guess. Perhaps it's too much conflicting feelings at once that's making me feel this way. Or maybe I'm just putting too much thought into this and I really just want to do something... or perhaps both?


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