Friday, August 23, 2013

DAY 47 - Nervous

When it comes to things that I've done before or things I should be familiar or comfortable with, lately I've been feeling a bit nervous. I'm not sure why exactly.

I don't think I'm normally a nervous person. Shy, maybe, but nervous? I guess I would attribute that to being generally laidback, which I would attribute to my lack of decent judgement on situations and all that other stuff. I guess I tend to avoid things that make me feel, er... not-good. I think that's a reasonable thing to strive for generally. Though, of course, it's good to get yourself out of your comfort zone often to grow as a person.

Hm, maybe that's the thing. If you grow as a person by putting yourself out there, what happens when you withdraw? Would it be reasonable to say that you diminish yourself as a person? I suppose that interacting is a lot like anything else, really. Both the idea of practice making perfect but also not putting it to use constantly results in decay. Rust.

Strange thought, I guess. Still doesn't make me feel any less nervous, but I suppose it's something to chew on. 

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