Friday, August 30, 2013

DAY 54 - A Bugs STRIFE 2: Electric Boogaloo

I've been thinking a lot about bugs lately, partly because of the sudden warm-up at the end of summer. There was a good amount of time where it was sub-80 I think and all the bugs were napping, but now? They're everywhere. Cicadas have a particular fondness for showing up at my feet. Creepy bastards.

Mostly, though, because of one of my friends' houses. He's always had a cockroach problem, even after living in three different houses over the last two decades or so. It's really messed up when you can't go a minute without seeing one. It's gotten to the point where I need to make sure that, if I bring a bag, it needs to be sealed at all times and that, when I leave, I have to shake my bag down. I ain't risking that, no way no how. 

The last few times he's brought video games over to places, I've always seen a roach or two crawl out of it. It's usually killed on the spot, but holy crap. I've danced around the idea of fumigating his house a couple of times, but I think if I'm ever going to go there again, I'm going to want to push it. Maybe he's used to it, but I don't know. What I do know, though, is that it's simultaneously gross and annoying.


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