Wednesday, August 28, 2013

DAY 52 - Dawn

An early post, how interesting! The reason for that is a simple one.

Today was my first day doing "delivery" at work, which basically refers to taking in food deliveries and restocking our fridge and freezer. It was as easy as it sounds, though I'm a little tired from all the lifting and a little surprised; tired because some of those boxes can get pretty heavy and surprised because I thought the whole affair would have lasted two-three hours. Turns out it was a little under one. Granted, one of the managers was there and did one part of the delivery, but I don't think that would have lasted more than 20 minutes tops, let alone a whole hour.

The main thing I wanted to talk about though is an observation I made. Everyday that I have to work, I walk because it's literally within 10 minutes from where I live. I almost exclusively close, which starts around 3-4PM depending on the given day, so whenever I go to work it's in the middle of the afternoon when people are finishing their day jobs or school and whenever I go home it's when people are or are about to go to sleep. 

Working this super-early shift at 6AM, of course, is the opposite: people are just waking up and getting ready for the day as I headed to work and folks are heading out by the time I got home. Of course the contrast is huge, seeing as they're the complete opposites of each other, but it was just interesting to me. The mood was completely different going and leaving work for this small shift than it is for my usual; today felt, I don't know, hopeful or perhaps more energetic whereas at night it's quiet and... well, not dull, but there's not as many folks up and about.

Since leaving high school and taking mostly late-morning/early-afternoon college classes, whenever I wake up in the morning I just lounge around or go somewhere I want to go, so it's been awhile since I've had to go through a whole routine to go do morning work. I'm not sure if it's me being tired that's talking, but perhaps I am a morning person after all.


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