Tuesday, August 20, 2013

DAY 44 - Back to School

It's that time of the year again: back to school. 

I'm getting to be that age where less and less people I know are going to school still. I have two younger brothers who are both in high school now, with the youngest starting his first day yesterday. I went to the same high school as they're going to now, and it feels like just yesterday I was wandering the halls, eating in the cafeteria with friends, or reading manga or browsing the internet in one of the computer labs. Nostalgia aside, though, I am one of those unfortunate folks still going to school. 

Well, kind of.

My schooling situation is... not good, I don't think. I've taken several years off and I've gone to school rather sporadically. Currently I should have graduated and possibly be in graduate school if I had stuck with it, but right now I believe I have the same amount of credits as maybe a college junior? Bad, I know.

I never really knew what I wanted to do. Actually I thought I knew, at least twice: being a writer and being a teacher. The former I got discouraged with but the latter was more or less rushed. I think it was fueled by an intense desire to return to something I had known for what felt like the longest time, or perhaps to return to something that I had fond memories of. 

Mostly I didn't know what the hell to do and, as I was being pushed out the gate, I felt like I needed to make a decision. Unfortunately at the time I felt that decision was one that would also set my path for the rest of my life. I learned much later that this was definitely not the case and that not everything pans out the way you think it will, but now... I don't know. 

I'm pretty sure I need to go and finish college, get a degree to get a high-paying job to be secure and be able to support a family in the future. Well, while maintaining my somewhat-minimal lifestyle. I've been leaning toward business management as of late, but this all might be like my "decision" to be a teacher; going with something that's familiar. I mean, after all, I've been in the business for the last... almost-decade.

We'll see. I was just informed that my current college apparently started this week, which is never a good sign. I'll let y'all know what happens.


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