Tuesday, August 6, 2013

DAY THIRTY - Strange?

Today at work, my coworker's sister and her young son came in near closing time. The way my coworker interacted with his nephew made me feel a bit nostalgic but also a little... wanting, maybe?

Nostalgic because when I was younger, maybe around 9 or 10, my mom remarried and had a couple of children. Growing up, we weren't poor but we weren't rich--middle class. Sometimes my mom's mom (my grandma) helped out with the kids, but other times I had to help. That includes the feeding and the changing diapers.

Strangely, I don't remember if I was grossed out or not as a youngin' by baby poo. Thinking back on it now as my current self, I wouldn't have a problem with it because... it's just poop? I don't know, I generally know where it comes from and it's not like I'm going to accidentally eat it or something, so I have no problem with it.

I suppose I'll stop there before it gets any weirder.

Anyway, I also felt... wanting. I know there's that female stereotype where they want to be mothers and raise children and all that sort of thing, and there's that other stereotype that has women around my age (24+) suddenly wanting children.

Stereotypes or gender roles shouldn't matter to me, no. It's absurd to hold yourself to what's manly and what's womanly, what's masculine and what's feminine in regards to what you like and what you want to do. I like musicals. I like cute things. I'm a fan of purple and I don't mind pink. I don't think it's weak to cry; rather, the complete opposite.

So what's wrong with me wanting to raise a kid?

Outside of all practical things (not a high-enough paying job, not enough time to dedicate to them, etc), for some reason I can't shake the feeling that it's wrong for me to want a kid. Well, not wrong, but... strange, I guess?

Perhaps I just need to tell myself more that it shouldn't and it's not a problem. I guess it's just one of those things where it would be nice to hear it from someone else.


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