Sunday, August 18, 2013

DAY 42 - Processing

[Insert reference to the blog's number here because it's always topical.]

42 to 365 doesn't seem like a lot, but when it comes to things with a decent amount of content, it is actually quite the opposite. There are a good amount of posts I remember writing, but admittedly there are those that I often look at with mild surprise thinking to myself, "Oh, I wrote that? Well shoot." If I would have to name one post in particular, it's the one about the cash shop possibly coming to World of Warcraft.

Interestingly I wrote a lot more on that topic than I do some others, but I still managed to be somewhat shocked about writing said post. It's not so much that I don't care about some things I write here more than it's that other posts are more meaningful to me. That and if I was either really tired or kinda distracted during the post, but that's in the same vein as retaining knowledge in general.

I mention this mostly because as I was trying to figure out what to write about tonight, I could have sworn I had already written something about a particular topic. As it turns out I was totally wrong, and instead I'll probably be writing about that tomorrow.

I chose not to write about my intended topic today because I started thinking about my whole blog-writing process and how writing about that might be interesting. On any given day, I generally don't think of what I will be posting--that is to say, I don't dedicate hours to the whole shebang. If something interesting happens during the day, that event sort of branches out into several other places in mind, usually a memory or my feelings on the event. The process could repeat multiple times, but when I find something interesting or something I want to explore via writing, I blog about that. For those days where nothing really interesting happened and I have to sit down and think of something, I usually go through anywhere between 2-5 drafts of differing topics.

So what happened today was the result of those two things. I had something set, but given the way I write some posts, I had the distinct impression that I had written one on X topic already. I don't doubt that I did, but in retrospect it was probably one of those drafts that didn't make the cut.

Still, it's still pretty interesting to think you have something set but then, after a series of events, change into something else entirely. At least to me anyway.


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