Tuesday, August 27, 2013

DAY 51 - Beach

I was thinking about what to write today at work and my mind hovered back to summer. Recently it's been getting hot, like summer hot (well, in terms of northern Illinois heat; definitely ain't Florida heat probably) despite it almost being August. The summer as a whole here was actually pretty cool temperature-wise, but now I'm feeling it. Waking up feeling hot and sweaty is not the best feeling.

While I was thinking about summer being over, it occurred to me that I never once did one of the quintessential summer things to do: go to the beach. I'll be the first to admit that I: a, can't swim and; 2, don't have a great summer body, I always find it fun to go to the beach with friends or something and just hang out; swimming optional. 

In retrospect it probably all goes back to my schedule, but I occasionally had a day off where I had no obligations. But then there's friends' schedules... lining up everybody's free time is mega-hard. I suppose the fact that I had to think about the beach, though, shows how much of a priority it was for me. It still would have been nice to hang out with some friends.

Though, come to think of it, summer isn't quite over yet... Ha. We'll see. 


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