Thursday, August 22, 2013

DAY 46 - Timeline I

Alright, so breaking away from the self-analysis or "memory lane" posts for now, today's post is going to be mostly about something I haven't talked about in detail for awhile. What is that, you might ask? Well, you'll regret it because the answer to that question is...


A week or so ago I told my players I would be constructing a timeline of the world, but time was not on my side. With work and sleep taking up 2/3rds of my day, the only thing I've been able to do is read up on the default/core world's setting's timeline which was conveniently outlined by some folks on the D&D forums. Kudos and a big thanks to them for helping shape what you (read: me) are about to see.

So yes, if you are into fictional backgrounds and timelines, I hope you'll enjoy the following. I'll generally be lifting from the default source material, but it will start to deviate once it gets into more recent times. Also, when I first went into making this thing, I thought it would have been a little less... er, long, so as a result I'll be breaking it into three different pieces over the next couple of days. Or weeks. Holy crap this is long.

It feels like a cop-out, urgh. But I'm putting work into this! Anyway, I'll make the appropriate links for the table of contents when the time comes. Today I'll be covering the Mythic Age and the Dawn War. 


For this timeline, there are seven major parts as follows:
  • The Mythic Age
  • The Dawn War
  • The Dawn Age
  • The First Imperial Age
  • The Sealing
  • The Second Imperial Age 
  • The Modern Age

The Mythic Age

"The Mythic Age was a time of myths and legends. So far back in time, most events were remembered only in distorted tales and conflicting traditions. This was a time where the gods were still very active in the world." It ended around ten thousand years ago.

In the beginning, there was a point of infinite potential. A tiny disturbance caused this epitome of perfect to erupt, splitting existence asunder. From the detritus coalesced the Astral Sea and the Elemental Chaos; the gods arose out of the Astral Sea and the primordials arose from the Elemental Chaos. Other lesser entities also arose during this time, such as angels, slaads and djinn.

In the Astral Sea:

  • Various gods such as Corellon, Erathis and Zehir attempt to end in-fighting among the gods. 
  • Amoth and Moradin create the first maruts, constructs that serve as impartial arbiters and later enforcers of divine pacts. 
  • Maruts develop and spread the language Supernal throughout the Astral Sea.
  • The goddess Khala gives birth to the gods Kord, Tuern and Achra
  • The god Nerull becomes the deity of the death domain.
  • Corellon, Lolth and Avandra create Arvandor.
  • The Lattice of Heaven is created, its purpose to link all of the gods' astral dominions together.
  • A nameless god kills the guardian of the Living Gate, releasing the defiling energies of the Far Realm. The gods Ioun and Pelor seal the gate shut at the cost of Pelor's dominion, Verdant.
  • Shardminds assemble themselves from the shards of the destroyed Living Gate.
In the Elemental Chaos: 
  • Djinns are the most advanced society of all the elemental races. 
  • Primordials create various creatures such as titans and hell hounds.
  • They also create the world with the help of the titans. However, the world was one of elemental fury, engulfed in an endless cycle of destruction and rebuilding.
  • The bright and dark pieces of leftover creation-stuff form the Feywild and the Shadowfell respectively.
  • Fomorians and Death Giants are the Feywild and Shadowfell's respective versions of the Titans
Gods and the World:
  • The gods look down from the Astral Sea and see what the primordials had created. They covet this world because they understand how to make it better.
  • The attempt to improve on the primordial's work by creating natural life, taming the churning elements, and creating the sun and moon in the world.
  • Primal Spirits come into being.
  • Devas form when some angels, out of love and desire for the mortal world, make deals with the recently awakened primal spirits and give up their true immortality. 
  • The deity He Who Is creates humans.
  • The deity Io fuses astral spirits with raw elements. The greater spirits become dragons while the lesser spirits become dragonborn, the latter serving the dragons.
  • Lolth creates the art of weaving after watching spiders make their webs, becoming a deity of fate who wove strands of mortal destiny.
  • The deity Maglubiyet creates hobgoblins
  • The deities Melora and Sehanine create halflings.
  • Moradin chisels dwarves from the bones of the earth. Shortly after creating the dwarves, legends state that Moradin creates a divine beverage, not realizing his creation is watching carefully. 
  • Erathis gathers the greatest tribes of all races to the plains, where she inscribes the first laws in stone. 
  • Erathis and Melora work together to improve the mortal world. Melora and her hunters protect the cities as well as the wilderness from aberrants and from deities that crave destruction, such as Baphomet, Gruumsh and Yeenoghu. Partly as a result of this protection, cities prosper and their citizens develop skills, knowledge and an outlet for their creative urges. 
  • Sahuagin are born from a chasm deep underwater when the god Sekolah kills a great behemoth of the deeps and, in his victory, sings a song that shakes all the ocean. 
  • Jackalweres are created when a primal spirit, Dark Sister, transforms an almost-extinct pack of jackals.
  • Zehir, unable to properly create his own race, convinces Avandra to teach him how to alter the creations of others. Avandra does so, but attaches a condition that Zehir may do so only with the creator's permission.
Gods and the Feywild:
  • Corellon discovers the Feywild and creates elves to inhabit it. The name of this unified elven race is contested, but the most commonly accepted story claims that the elves arose from the Corellon wept from sorrow, beauty and mirth during the days before Lolth's fall.. From sorrow's tears rose the dark elves, from beauty's the high elves (eladrin), and from mirth's the wood elves
  • Corellon, Lolth and Sehanine head the fey pantheon unchallenged.
  • The oldest fey spirits become the Archfey. Some are noble eladrin so old and powerful that they have transcended the bounds of mortality. Some are awakened spirits of mighty forests, mountains or rivers. 
  • Lolth, to restore her place as Corellon's favored, beguiles an eladrin knight and weaves a glamer to make him look like Corellon. She then has him seduce Sehanine, who conceives a child. Corellon, enraged by Sehanine's infidelity, dooms the child to remain at the pool where she was conceived until the day when she might give her heart freely to another. Sehanine gives her daughter power over the night and powerful magic. When the knight learned how he had been used by Lolth, he hurled his mystic weapon into the pool and vowed never to fight again.
Gods and Primordials Interact:
  • Balcoth, a primordial, finds the impressionable minds of mortals fascinating.
  • Titans create giants to serve them, taking inspirations from the smoother, symmetrical creations of the gods.
  • Envious primordials demand dwarves of their own. Pleased that the primordials appreciate his creations, Moradin gave generously and returned to his work. Unfortunately, the primordials give these dwarves to giants, who then use them as slaves. Moradin either cannot hear their cries over the sound of his own hammering or cannot face the wrath of so many primordials alone. Thus began the Age of Chains
  • Some dwarves infuse with the elements, becoming forgeborn dwarves, galeb duhr azers and eisk jaats.

The Dawn War

"The Dawn War occurs when the primordials and gods clash. The primordials are manipulated by the Chained God, who is driven mad when he grasps the shard of pure evil. According to the gods, the primordials plan to destroy the world and create something new, so the gods intervened. The gods fight to save the World and their mortal servants. Each god selects an aspect of creation to champion and care for during the war, defining their domains. The primordials, who vastly outnumbered the gods, thought they would easily win, so they did not organize armies."

The Shard of Pure Evil:
  • As the name states, the shard is made of pure evil. Beings within its proximity to the Shard transform, corrupted by the evil energy. 
  • The Chained God finds the shard and grabs it. He falls mad with a desire to unmake reality. Luckily he has enough sense left to partially repel the whispers of the Shard telling him to put it in the Astral Sea and instead plants it in the Elemental Chaos, resulting in the Abyss. The shard exists at the very bottom of the Abyss, "digging" further down and creating more layers as it descends. 
  • In an alternate universe the Chained God succeeds in destroying reality. The remnants of the destroyed universe coalesced into aberrant creatures called the sharn, eventually finding their way into the Underdark of the World.
  • The being Juiblex is created when a mass for fluid and solids comes into awareness due to the shard. Later, the creature retreats to a plane known as Shedaklah.
  • Primordials and the Chained Godbattle for control of the Shard and the use of it, but the two forces reach a stalemate.
  • Obox-Ob claims the Shard and becomes the first Prince of Demons. Seeking to replant it in the Astral Sea, he is soon unseated by a combined effort of the newly-transformed demon lords Demogorgon, Orcus and Baphomet, who blast him down into the surface of the Elemental Chaos, creating the Blood Rift of the Abyss. The Shard still burrows deeper to this day, creating more layers of the Abyss.
Choosing Sides and Making Allies: 
  • Abominations are made by both the gods and primordials as war weapons.
  • The divine beings come together in a great assemblage, surrounded by hosts of angels, the races of the world, and other creatures and beings. The greatest of the gods' mortal agents in that war were invokers, imbued with a fragment of the gods' own might to fight alongside them.
  • Aquatic giants abandon the primordials and begin to worship Sekolah, an exarch of Melora. Astral giants ally with the gods as well.
  • Astral warwings and other astral war engines are made by the gods to fill out their armies and counter the chaotic creations of the primordials.
  • The astral domain Carceri is created by the gods as a laboratory to spawn abominations to serve them in the war. The gods also create runes of unmaking.
  • Dao and efreet elect to remain neutral.
  • Djinns ally with the primordial against the gods.
  • Doppelgangers are believed to be made by Sehanine from reshaped elemental spirits. 
  • Elementals are made by primordials out of elemental spirits.
  • Giants ally with the primordials.
  • Medusas are believed to be made by Zehir from reshaped element spirits. 
  • Minotaurs are created by Baphomet, a great primordial-turned-demon-lord, as his soldiers in his bid to replace Melora as the god of nature. 
  • Nagpas are created by the primordials.
  • Glaur is a stronghold built Nehushta, a primordial, to serve as one of the central fronts in the Dawn War.
  • Pegasi are the offspring of a great god.
  • Rot harbingers are created by Orcus to mock a failed attempt to kill him.
  • Primordials develop the Godslayer Infernos, which consist of torrential elemental spells that tear away the divine essence of a god. One such spell churns white and violet flames that prevent a deity from discorporating and suppresses its immortal nature. 
  • Primal Spirits remain neutral. Some of them, such as Stormhawk, help keep the world from being destroyed. Other Great Elders protect the people caught in the crossfire, allowing the humanoids' survival. 
The War Begins:
  • The Elder Elemental Eye marshals the primordials and other denizens of the Elemental Chaos in order to try to overwhelm the combined might of the new Demon Princes. Some, such as Codricuhn and his chief lieutenant, Miska the Wolf-Spider, join EEE in the Abyss and are corrupted into demon princes. Others, such as the Elemental Princes, spread the cult of EEE. 
  • The cult believes that if the Elder Elemental Eye could gain the Shard of Pure Evil, he could lead them to victory over the meddlesome gods and immortals of the Astral Sea.
  • He Who Is and other gods overwhelm and chain the Chained God away in a deep layer of the Abyss, striking his real name from the annals of history and naming him the Chained God. His armies are scattered but not defeated. They are led by Miska and fight on. Asmodeus is assigned by He Who Is as prison-keeper of the Chained God's tomb. 
  • Shortly thereafter, the gods give the angel Alusiel the Ebon Stone, telling the angel that the stone held the essence of the Chained God, though it doesn't. 
  • Haramanthur, a god, is tasked with the protection of the Astral Sea against incursions of creatures from the Elemental Chaos. 
  • Io first refuses to become involved in the Dawn War.
  • The primordials invade the Astral Sea and destroy the Lattice of Heaven and steal the Rune of the Stone Eternal, the mechanism that serves as the power source of the destroyed Lattice,  hiding it from the gods. 
  • The god Achra defeats Tabrach-Ti, the Queen of Bronze. She is the first primordial to fall. Achra begins to be called Bane from then on. All of the All of the gods agreed to work on an united front, under the command of Bane.
  • The Master of Tides, another primordial who sought to wreak havoc and destruction between the planes, is one of the first primordials to fall.
  • Amoth and Orcus, Demogorgon and Rimmon fight in Amoth's dominion of Kalandurren. Though Amoth manages to destroy Rimmon and nearly slays Demogorgon, but Orcus strikes him down and his realm becomes a shattered land of fear. In the days following the battle, specks of bitterly cold light begin to rise from Kalandurren's landscape. The light forms semisentient creatures that fuse the wrath of the slain god and the fury of the dead demon lord. The creatures disperse the cosmos, fueled by an insatiable desire to destroy immortals and elementals alike. 
  • Yeenoghu reputedly creates his signature triple flail from the bones of a god he slew during this war.
  • Moradin goes into battle to liberate the dwarves from their elemental masters. He aids the other gods in the war by supplying weapons and armor. He also makes Clangeddin Silverbeard an exarch. 
  • Clangeddin Silverbeard makes two fine axes and melds into them the strands of his own silver beard. He shows the dwarves how to cut the giants down to size, and offers the titans the gift of fear.
  • Dwarves deliver a blow that cripples the giants, betray their masters and unleash the fury of a hundred generations of repression. Moradin gives the Axe of the Dwarfish Lord to the first dwarves.
  • Gildur and Toris Irontop, a pair of dwarven champions and twin brothers fight fiercely until they confront Durandus, "the Iron King." That night, after a vision from Moradin, they become the soulforged, and defeat Durandus. After their victory, the brothers gather the most pious followers of Moradin and teach them what they learned, forming the first generation of the Soulforged knighthood.
  • Haemnathuun, the Blood Lord primordial, is slain. His corpse is cast into the Astral Sea. His black blood filled the maze of tunnels which will eventually become the Keening Delve. 
  • Heur-Ket, a powerful primordial, invades the Astral Sea unchallenged until he is stopped by Pelor, Erathis and Ioun when the gods fuse their dominions together. The fused dominion became the city of Hestavar.
  • The deity Kord defeats the primordial Tantagaras in single battle. Later, Kord challenges the dread slaad lord Ygorl, but the two fight to a standstill and Kord retreats.
  • Melora defeats the primordial Cryonax to gain mastery of the waves. Cryonax is then sealed in a deep trench underwater beneath Melora's great stone shield.
  • Miska seeks out and corners Obox-Ob in the Abyss, following him all the way to a portal that would lead them to the Shard of Evil. The demon lord Queen of Chaos appears and slays Obox-Ob, and then recruits Miska in return for her aid to defeat the gods.
  • The Elemental Prince of Fire Imix, bound to the Chained God, throws his forces against the god of the forge, Moradin. Moradin smites the corrupt primordial, casting the squirming prince down to the Elemetnal Chaos where he would later be bound in adamantine chains. 
  • Mual-Tar the Thunder Spirit seeks to reclaim the skies from the gods who had claimed them. The gods drive it back into the Elemental Chaos, where Moradin chains and traps it.
  • Orcus creates his wand from a god of virtue and chivalry, or from a human hero. Later the gods attempt to kill Orcus with a host of angels while he was away from the Abyss, but the attempt fails. 
  • Shom, the God of the Word, dies, leaving his dominion Shom without a deity. Ioun gifts its inhabitants, the Illumians, with two syllables of the Word of Creation so that they may continue Shom's work. 
  • Io, seeing creation at the brink of collapse, joins the fight. He defeats many primordials during the war.
  • The elemental princes Sisanthak and Vorsheen turn on one another in the Astral Sea, creating the astral motes called "Frostburn." The gods enchant the mote so the inhabitants do no realize how long they have been battling.
  • In the latter days of the Dawn War, archons and other elemental soldiers begin forging increasing numbers of weapons, having learned the value of such tools from followers of the gods. They found the mines of Irdoc Morda.
  • In the final years of the Dawn War, in his arrogance Io faces Erek-Hus, the King of Terror, alone. The primordial cleaves the dragon god into two halves which become Tiamat and Bahamut. The dragon gods slay Erek-Hus, then battle each other until Tiamat flees. 
  • Io's violent death causes a rift between the planes. Haramanthur realizes the only way to prevent the primordials from using the rift to invade the Astral Sea is to close off the way with own essence. He sacrifices himself by turning himself and everything around him to stone to seal the rift. 
  • Catastrophic dragons form after some dragons, seeing Io destroyed by Erek-Hus, believe that the gods would lose the war. Rather than follow Tiamat or Bahamut, who they regarded as weak and selfish, these dragons turned to the primordials for leadership. The primordials embrace the defectors with welcome arms, transforming them into manifestations of chaos and destruction.
  • Bahamut pursues the primordial Nihil into the living god realm Lakal and slays it there. The dragon god's divine breath shatters Nihil, but this results in the shattering and death of Lakal. The quom, Lakal's followers, dedicated themselves to "unsundering" Lakal.
  • The gods lure Balcoth from his place of hiding by creating a hardy-minded race, which would take him longer to corrupt. By the time he succeeds, the gods find him. Bane severs his head, Moradin fashions a prison for him, and Bahamut mans its garrisons.
  • A great and powerful primordial, Timesus the Black Star, travels to the Shadowfell to feed o nthe departing life force of dying entities to increase his powers in the place known as Death's Reach. Nerull and other gods create Nerull's Gate to gain quick access to this place. Timesus was defeated by the combined might of several gods.
  • Torog, a god of perfect health and for whom any injury healed almost instantly, defeats the primordial Gargash, but not before being cursed with horrific injuries and constant torment. Torog is then binded to the Underdark.
  • Volunt, a defeated primordial, is cast into the plains of the Shadowfell, where the shades there tear him apart, leaving only the Darkreach Mountains behind.
  • An exarch of Moradin and seven angels of Bahamut known as the Wind Dukes of Aaqa craft the Rod of Law in Torzak-Belgirn, the soulforge of Moradin. With this Rod, they strike down Miska and the Queen of Chaos, the latter who dissipates into the Abyss, only to return at another Abyssal Eclipse (which occurs once every millennia). Though the banishing of Miska to an unknown plane causes the shattering of the Rod of Law into the Rod of Seven Parts, their fall turns the tide of the war for the gods' favor.
  • Baphomet pursues his erstwhile ally Yeenoghu when he flees the field and throws himself into the Abyss rather than submit. 
  • Near the end of the Dawn War, seven brethren angels fall in battle. Three manage to return to He Who Is. The god cannot save them all, and instead fuses them into one: Geryon
  • Nagpas betray the primordials when the gods' victory is imminent.
  • Kord slays the primordial Sehil in the final battle of the Dawn War.

Wars Within Wars
During the Dawn War, other wars erupted among the gods, primordials and demons.

The Death Wars:
  • Nerull chooses a mortal queen who died of plague as his consort. She slays the god and usurps his throne. The other gods rise up to stop her, but she becomes the Raven Queen. Some of Nerull's priests found the cult of the Seekers. 
The Kinstrife Wars: 
  • Lolth may have descended into the Abyss in search of power and become corrupted by the Heart of the Abyss. She leads her chosen people against the other elves.
  • The Raven Queen allies with Corellon. After the conflict, she takes the domain of fate from Lolth.
  • Elves break away from the eladrin and depart for the natural world. They settle into forests of the World and are commonly known as wood elves.
  • Eladrin remain in the Feywild to rebuild the ruined kingdoms. Some eladrin refuse to participate in the war and flee to the natural World.
  • Boreanis, an alchemist, crafts nine bronze griffons for nine eladrin lords as gifts for the esteemed heroes of the Kinstrife Wars.
  • Drow are banished into the Underdark after this defeat.
  • Winterkin are eladrin who retreat to the Winter Lands following the Kinstrife Wars.
  • Corellon and Sehanine leave the Feywild after the war to fight alongside the other deities in the Astral Sea.
The War of Betrayal:
  • Pazuzu, a demon prince, whispers words of deception and corruption into Asmodeus' ears.
  • Asmodeus grows proud and hateful of his position as prison-keeper, and seeks out the Shard of Evil instead, abandoning his duty. Claiming a sliver of the shard of pure evil, he creates his ruby rod and fights his way back to the Astral Sea. He Who Is allows Asmodeus back into his forces.
  • Bane takes on Asmodeus as an advisor. Bane is the only deity who predicts Asmodeus' rebellion.
  • Devils are created by He Who Is from Asmodeus and his followers for allowing too many innocents to die in battle.
  • Narzugons, servants of He Who Is, are tricked into betraying He Who Is and damning them to serve Asmodeus for eternity, despite their hatred for him. 
  • He Who Is is slain by Asmodeus, becoming He Who Was. He Who Was binds Asmodeus to eternal prison in Baator, the once idyllic plane of Baathion. Asmodeus seizes his former overlord's divinity and creates a rigid hierarchy of power. Having devised a way to subbert and harvest mortal souls, the devils also require infernal pacts to breach the bindings of Hell. Even still, he hungers for a larger fragment of the shard of pure evil. 
  • Alloces, an angel, begins defending He Who Was, but eventually turns traitor and joins Asmodeus to eventually become his chief inquisitor. During the War of Betrayal, he serves under Geryon.
  • Geryon leads the forces of He Who Was into an ambush on the Bridge of Storms and then turns on them. He becomes one of Asmodeus' greatest generals. 
  • Brother Eiulo, possibly the last servitor of the deceased human creator He Who Was, pens a massive tome called the Codex of Betrayal.
  • Zehir, who may have aided Asmodeus or killed He Who Was himself, claims humans as his own. The other gods defeat Zehir and free the humans from his control.
  • The gods, desperate for Asmodeus' skills, compact with the archfiend, granting him autonomy in return for his aid in defeating the primordials.
The Blood War:
  • Grazz't, Asmodeus' most trusted advisor, is sent to the Abyss to seize the evil seed within but the evil of the Abyss corrupts Grazz't and makes him a powerful demon lord. When Grazz't's invasion is stalled, the archdevil surrenders to the plane's corruption. Glasya, Asmodeus' daughter, descends into the Plain of Yawning Pits to punish Grazz't and complete his mission, but Glasya is routed.
  • Glasya stabs Grazz't, creating the babaus.
  • Bulezaus are spawned by Baphomet during the Blood War as a race more vile than the minotaurs, many of whom had become civilized. 
The Winter War:
  • Khala, goddess of winter, tries to become the Queen of the Gods. Leading an army of evil gods including Kord, Gruumsh, Tiamat and Zehir, and primordials, she casts a long wintrty night over the world. She is opposed and eventually defeated by Pelor, Moradin, Bane, Asmodeus, the Raven Queen and a repentant Kord.
  • Moradin battles Kord upon the heavenly mountains and across the world. Kord unleashes his full fury but succeeds only in wreaking terrible damage on the land and its mortal inhabitants. When Kord takes a moment to renew his strength for another blow, Moradin calls his attention to the wanton destruction. Kord regrets using his might so carelessly and destructively. Soon after, Kord launches a direct assualt against Gruumsh and crushes his erstwhile ally.
  • The duergar legions of Tor Zarak fight and capture Kord. He is brought to the deepest vaults of the city, but priests could not cause him pain. The clerics of Asmodeus construct eleven racks before they could extinguish Kord's mortal shell. Then they disassembled the rack and split up the pieces, intending to use the fragments as weapons should Kord or his followers seek vengeance on the duergar.
  • In exchange for power over winter, the Raven Queen banishes the defeated goddess Khala into death. Kord was present at his mother's passing and may have also claimed some of her power. Later, Kord and the Raven Queen begin an unconsummated courtship that continues today.
  • When the Raven Queen claims the winter domain, the primordial Umboras, a reluctant ally of Khala, leads the assault against her astral realm of Letherna. She pretends to flee before his forces, luring them to the domain Pandemonium. There, in the labyrinthine corridors of the realm, she separates Umboras from his host of dragons and titans and traps him in one of the domain's empty vaults, where he still remains.

The War Ends:
  • The gods win by banding together in small groups and destroying the mightiest primordials, who usually operate alone.
  • Primal Spirits realize the gods' danger to the world after the Winter War, and decide the world must be protected from both sides of the conflict. The gods, too exhausted to object and fight another war, retreat to their astral dominion. 

  • Avandra, Corellon, Melora, Sehanine enchant Carceri so that any abomination that escapes is sent to their dominion of Arvandor and instead joins the Great Hunt. They then retreat to Arvandor and away from the other gods.
  • Bahamut, Kord and Moradin, after a series of unseemly incidents in the early centuries of the joint occupation of the astral dominion of Celestia, create the Game of Mountains to channel their rivalry into a friendly competition. 
  • Bane is upset that the gods refuse to follow him after the war and angered by their decision to allow the Primordials to live on.
  • The Raven Queen abandons her dominion in the Astral Sea to inhabit a grim winter fortress in the Shadowfell.
  • Death's Reach, the mechanism for ensuring spirits of the dead were sent to their final reward, is grievously disrupted. Unable to restore Death's Reach to its former function, the gods transform it into a storehouse to seal away dangerous artifacts and enemies from the war. 
  • Demons who manage to flee the Abyss come to natural world.
  • Djinn are bound into mundane objects as punishment for warring against the gods. Those few djinn who are free lose much of their power. 
  • Dwarves are placed in the natural world and immediately develop ale. 
  • Erathis assumes dominion over the minotaurs.
  • Grave-Minders, a cult originally dedicated to watching over the prisons of the primordials, is founded within a few generations of the Dawn War.
  • Nerras are created from a group of powerful invokers known as the Sect of Seventy, who believe that the gods are too detached from worldly affairs to protect mortals from the threats that linger in the aftermath of the Dawn War.
  • Pandorum, a godslaying weapon that personifies the emotionless void of utter annihilation, is imprisoned. 
  • The Princes of Elemental Evil except Imix escape to the far reaches of the Elemental Chaos, where they remain in exile.
  • Sagawehn, a goddess of insects, attempts to destroy all individuality from Arvandor until a group of eladrin heroes kill her. A high priestess of Corellon who is overcome in the battle spawns the lamia.
  • Supernal tablets rumored to contain knowledge of either the fate of souls that pass beyond the gods' reach or the ultimate fate of the cosmos, are lost. 

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