Thursday, August 29, 2013

DAY 53 - Timeline II

It's been a couple of days since the last entry. I was originally intending on doing the parts in order, but I severely underestimated the length of the whole thing. Holy crap.

But I digress. The next timeline post will start getting into custom stuff, oh my! But in the meantime, let's continue, going on with the Dawn Age today.


For this timeline, there are seven major parts as follows:

The Dawn Age

"The Dawn Age was a time of mortals rising up to dominate the world after the gods retreated to their astral dominions. The chronology of events during this time is extremely shaky. Without inter-event references, it is difficult to determine whether an event occurred before or after another event."


Derros are descendants of a mad, power hungry civilization that nearly ripped apart the planes when the world was still young. Craving primordial power but unwilling to bend their knees to any master, the derros create portals to the Far Realm in hopes of harnessing its power. The madness and horror they unleash cause the World Serpent to drag their lands beneath the surface to halt their machinations. 

  • Asmodeus consolidates his rule over the Nine Hells
  • Bensozia, once a bride of He Who Was, is taken as Asmodeus' consort and gives birth to Glasya. Bensozia teaches Glasya to hate Asmodeus. 
  • Moloch and other archdukes rebel against Asmodeus, manipulated by Malagarde and Beleth. The rebellion fails and Moloch is exiled from Hell. 
  • Geryon replaces Levistus as the Lord of the Fifth. When the other Dukes try to overthow Asmodeus, he remains secretly loyal and betrays the betrayers. For reasons unknown, he is still deposed and exiled by Asmodeus, who elevates Levistus in his place. He finds himself in Tytherion, where he becomes lord of other exiled devils. 
  • Levistus slays Asmodeus’ consort, Bensozia. Asmodeus imprisons him in a massive iceberg in Stygia. 
  • Glasya, Asmodeus's daughter, is elevated as Lord of the Sixth shortly after Geryon's elevation without serious opposition after she slays the Hag Countess and usurps rulership of Malbolge. 


  • Dragotha, a red dragon consort of Tiamat, compacts with the human priest Kyuss, promising him immortality in exchange for the dragon’s service. When her spawn slays him as a punishment for slaying one of Tiamat’s sons, Kyuss raises Dragotha as a dracolich, betraying the pact made with him. 
  • Ancient dragons master the power of arcane magic and use it to shape the world around them. Brown dragons that serve as exarchs and demigods of Tiamat found the great empire of Maru-Qet, which lasts for “thousand of years”. Those days of limitless power do not last and the mighty dragon sorcerers soon fall. The last pharaoh of Maru-Qet, Nefermandias, wages a war against cataclysmic dragons, which ultimately destroys the empire, transforming the verdant lands into an arid desert. 
  • At Tiamat's instigation, the dragons fall upon one another, with chromatic and metallic battling for dominance. 

After the Age of Chains, dwarves build impregnable fortresses in the mountains to guard the treasures they wrested from unyielding stone. Their fabulous wealth drew greedy monsters to their doors and precipitated a series of wars whose results were ruin and death. Their fabulous kingdoms fell and their people scattered to the world’s four corners. Among the strongholds the dwarves build are:
  • Bordrin's Watch 
  • Gar Morra, the City in the Deep
  • Ironstone 
  • Mountainroot Temple beneath the Stonehome Mountain
  • Overlook

  • Eladrin Empires are founded by the eladrin, including the Anauli Empire, the magic academy Callanar, the ill-fated Cendriane Empire, the Realm of the Twin Queens, and Solaneillon. 
  • Gremlins are made by the fomorian king Thrumbolg in the aftermath of his assault on Mag Tureah. 
  • Harpies are formed when an evil elf witch-queen is exiled by a hero who breaks the magic tiara that allows her to spy on her subjects as a golden eagle. 
  • Mindaris, the greatest of eladrin heroes, has his legendary adventures. 
  • Mother of Scarecrows sacrifices some farmers to a devil and learns the secret of animating scarecrows. 
  • Nymphs are born from the union of the Archfey of the four seasons and the Archfey of the four winds.
  • Orbs of Dragonkind are made by eladrin to protect their empires and overthrow their dragon overlords. 
  • The Summer Court is made by an archfey. One of his daughters, Sharaea, falls in love with a mortal. To escape an arranged marriage, she makes a deal with the Raven Queen that she and her lover would be thrust into the future to a time when her intended would agree to release her from her promise of marriage. The betrayal transforms the archfey into the Prince of Frost. The ring of betrothal cast away by the eladrin maid becomes the ring of winter.
  • Serpentine Owls are fashioned to serve as companions and scouts for the first elves who travel the world. 
  • Sovereign Elk, a powerful archfey, imprisons an exarch of Zehir in a prison that exists at a juncture of the Feywild and natural world.


Gnolls dwell in a single location before spreading out across the world.

  • Bahamut hides his immortal essence in a platinum sword he hides in the natural world. When Tiamat commences the War of Dragons, Bahamut awakes his immortal sword in the form of a deva named Amyria
  • Bahamut seals a rift between the World and the Abyss, and in that place was build the city of Karga-Kul. An order of dragonborn paladins of Bahamut found the elite group known as the Knights of Kul to watch over the seal.
  • Bane slays Tuern, and reclaims the former's domain of Chernoggar as is own. 
  • Bane plots to rule over all other gods. Erathis and Moradin oppose Bane and he backs down. 
  • Gruumsh invades and binds his domain of Nishrek to Bane's. The invasion occurs thousands of years after Bane kills Tuern. 
  • Bane subdues the god Maglubiyet and makes him his exarch, after the hobgoblin Senekos converts many goblinoids to the worship of Bane.
  • Corellon gifts mortals with the power to perform arcane magic.
  • Corellon and Gruumsh fight over some mortal followers. Corellon shoots out Gruumsh’s eye with an arrow. 
  • Gruumsh and Kurtulmak steal Corellon's Misty Isle, hiding it somewhere Corellon could not locate it.
  • Melora withdraws completely for generations, her whispers silenced. She passes the time hunting alone in Arvandor. 
  • Tiamat and Zehir struggle for millenniums over control of Tytherion. Tiamat occupies the underground, while Zehir retains the surface world.


Avandra adopts halflings and gives them good fortune.


Senekos converts many goblinoids from the worship of Maglubiyet to the worship of Bane. Hobgoblins carve out an empire with goblins and bugbears as servants. They develop magical methods to breed beasts for various purposes. The empire falls due to civil strife and possible fey interference. 

Illithids and Gith:

  • Nihilath is the mind flayers' empire which stretches through the Astral Sea and the Underdark and was created after they arrive from the Far Realm. They use the gith and the duergar as slaves. 
  • Gith are created when the illithid attempt to create the perfect slave race, through selective breeding and magical manipulation. The slave race revolts and name themselves after the leader of their rebellion.
  • Tu'narath, the gith's capital, is founded in the Astral Sea within the floating corpse of a dead god. 
  • Zerthimon, a gith who desires peace, rebels when Gith declares an eternal crusade against the illithids. After much fighting, Zerthimon leads his people into the Elemental Chaos. His followers become known as the Githzerai. 
  • Tiamat compacts with Gith, giving the support of red dragons in exchange for her soul and the souls of all future leaders of the githyanki. 


Minotaurs establish the great city of Ruul, a model of civilization. Agents of Baphomet work in secret to undermine Erathis’ followers. The minotaurs break from Erathis’ fold and the Horned King overruns Ruul. Melora and Kord then destroy the city.


A tribe of humans make a pact with the Raven Queen to be her servants in exchange for a shadowy form of agelessness. Some shadar-kai cut their ties to the Raven Queen, placing themselves above the gods. They broker with the Shadowfell’s dread powers, offering their shattered souls in exchange for the power to move freely between worlds and do as they please, and become the "gloaming dancers". 


The Xaositects form as a philosophical faction in the great planar city of Sigil, studying chaos to master it. 


The Thri-Kreen lived in nomadic tribes for thousand of years. 


Proto-yuan-ti found the Empire of Zannad, mastering flesh-contorting magic to improve themselves and become the modern yuan-ti. The magic warps their minds, and their society slowly rots from within. They construct a pyramid structure in homage to Zehir, called "Sarpacala". Some humans, calling themselves the Hastani, are slaves of yuan-ti who worship a demon called "Merrshaulk". They escape when the gods destroy the sect.

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