Friday, August 16, 2013

DAY 40 - Sight

I woke up without knowing where my glasses were today and let me tell you, it was nothing short of frightening. 

It's been so long that I can't even remember when I first got my glasses. Maybe it was during elementary school? I can't be quite sure. All I can remember is going through many a pair of glasses, and my vision getting steadily worse over the years. I'm guessing I either forgot to take my glasses off before falling asleep or I knocked it down when I was reaching for my phone alarm, but regardless the end result was the same: I had no idea where my glasses were. 

I'm not sure how to describe the feeling of losing your glasses to those who don't need them, but I suppose it's like losing anything you both need and find valuable. It's not like losing your favorite video game or your favorite pair of socks, but more like losing important documents or perhaps your car keys, except that the thing in question isn't tied to your job but rather one of your senses. 

So imagine waking up and not being to see anything as clearly as you once did. Everything past your nose is just blurs, blobs of color that simultaneously feel familiar and alien.

At first I was just annoyed. Usually if I misplace my glasses it's essentially a point A to point B thing, but not being able to recall where I last put them didn't help. I scrambled around on my bed for awhile, using my phone's camera as a make-shift pair, but to no avail. Slowly but surely a sense of anxiety started to creep up on me. I started getting illogically scared, because it felt like I wouldn't be able to see again despite the fact that I probably could have gotten a pair by next week.

When I finally did find them, I felt relieved. The whole event seemed to last forever, but in reality it was probably no more than five minutes. 

But now, as I type this, I also realize that unless I get surgery, I'll be forever tied to these things. That same anxiety and fear will always be lurking around the corner.

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