Wednesday, August 14, 2013

DAY 38 - Getting Old

Today at work while I was making some food, I felt it.

Lower back pain.

As the days have passed, I've been getting achier and achier. My old theater job, I was up and about for anywhere between 7-9 hours, either walking constantly or being forced to stand in one position for the entirety of my shift. My feet hurt after some of those shifts, yeah, but I was usually able to recharge in a day or two's worth of rest and show up to work with no foot pain.

That was during my late high school years and early 20s, but now? Not so much.

(A quick aside, but the former part of that sentence hurts my soul.)

Maybe it's because of the different workload between my old and current job. My previous job I worked anywhere between 2-6 days and I was, like I said, constantly on my feet. My current job, I work 4-5 days but I can generally sit for a decent amount of time whenever it isn't busy (which is often).

There doesn't seem to be much difference upon writing it out, but then it occurred to me that my old job required us to wear formal shoes. My restaurant gig lets us wear sneakers. I guess... I guess I am getting old.

Years of poor posture have perhaps finally started catching up to me. It doesn't help that my computer is situated in front of my bed, either. I have virtually no back support going on right now, oh man. Maybe some room feng shui is in order...


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