Thursday, August 15, 2013

DAY 39 - Chores

Back when I first wanted to try and lose weight, my friend who was on the cross country team in high school and is still very fit today gave me some advice about running. "Don't focus on how much more you have to do," or something to effect, which makes sense. It's like watching the clock countdown in class or at work, or checking your downloads every five seconds to see if they're done; time just slows to a snail's pace.

I mention this because today marks the 39th post in this Blog Every Day challenge. If I indeed go the distance, that would mean I will have made 365 posts (technically 366 if you count the introductory post). So that's 39/365 or, whipping out calculator real quick, 10.68% complete.

My friend's advice pretty much applies to all things where patience or perseverance is key, but I can't help myself. That's probably due in part to me thinking something magical might happen at the end of everything, but I've also always been a sort of impatient guy when it comes to things I want to do.

Which is interesting, because I've been told I'm very patient with people. I guess that's possible, but my tired mind is not letting me comprehend the seemingly paradoxical situation.

I remember seeing a very relevant quote to this situation, but I cannot for the life of me remember how the quote went nor where I saw it, but it essentially boiled down to human nature and how humans are acutely aware of the passage of time and all that.

Like I have mentioned twice before, I've already hit a writer's block. Thankfully the nasty ol' block hasn't reared it's head since then, but there's another issue that I touched upon before as well: getting bored.

That is to say, I don't want this thing to become a chore or a hassle or what have you. I also don't want to make throwaway posts, but I just might hit that wall again and not know what to write about. Still, I do have those story things lined up (eventually), so perhaps that'll get my mind stirring and away from these somewhat negative thoughts.


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