Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DAY TWENTY-FOUR - Used to Know

The other day a friend pointed out to me that one of our mutual friends from high school defriended both of us and, apparently, a whole lot of other people.

I thought this was strange as we had just seen her maybe no less than a couple of weeks before, though my interactions with her from then up to this news started making sense.

When we last saw her, she seemed more aloof than she normally was. She was also considerably less friendly, talking only to a couple of people, and when she left she made no effort to say goodbye. More recently, she had stopped by my restaurant the other day and asked if she could fill her water bottle. She acted like she didn't know me.

I thought this was weird, but she's a weird person so I let it slide. Then this news hits me and I'm... I don't know what the proper word for it is. Surprised? The first thought that popped into my head earlier today while thinking about this was the song, "Somebody I Used To Know."

Granted, we were never that close, but still. It's weird seeing someone you were on friendly terms with suddenly treating you like a stranger. Not even a small hello or a sign of familiarity? I don't mind the defriend so much as the lack of courtesy there. I still say hello to people I know but I ain't friends with on Facebook, but to each their own I suppose.

It sort of chafes me but at the same time I realize I never really cared this "friend" in the first place.

Harsh, maybe.


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