Sunday, July 21, 2013

DAY FOURTEEN - Airing Grievances

I tend not to think a lot about the things that annoy me mostly because they're... well, they're annoying. But a set of things happened a recently that I started to think about what annoys me, and I figured I ought to make a post of it to get my thoughts sorted out.

First on the list is one word responses. Since the start of text and instant messaging, I've found one-word responses to be super obnoxious. Type up a paragraph describing what you'd like to do? "K." Ask a few questions hoping to get more information? "no." Train a person how to do things correctly? "Oh," for every. Single. Response. Of course there are situations where one word might be all that's needed, but the reverse is the same too.

Another thing that bothers me are people who argue for the sake of arguing or to "win" an argument. The other day a lady "customer" at my restaurant argued with me about the length of some of our choices. I admitted that they weren't all uniform in size, but she kept complaining about how they ought to be and when I offered that she could talk to a manager about it, she said she didn't want to and kept on complaining to me. I use quotation marks here because after she complained at me for five minutes straight, she "changed her mind" about ordering and left.  

Lastly--and what mostly inspired this post--are conspiracy theorists or those folks who cry "fake, fake" at everything they see. I know, it's important to question everything you see, lest you become some sort of mindless follower or whatever, but really, every little awesome or terrible thing has to be "fake"? This applies to all manner of events, from the moon landings to a video of a guy falling from a trampoline and bouncing right back up to where he sat. I'm just happy there's going to be a robotic mission to the moon in the future that will take pictures of the landing sites to shut up those conspiracy theorists.

Overall these are all minor grievances, but they're still annoying. I get over it, some faster than others, but geez. These first world problems.

k bye,


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