Friday, July 19, 2013

DAY TWELVE - DANDY 2: Electric Boogaloo

As I have said before in the past, I run a game of Dungeons and Dragons for some friends of mine. One of the players for this game, character name Syne, recently told some of our other friends about his character and his back story. This subsequently got these friends interested in the game and, as a result, I will probably now be running a second game for them.

Part of me is excited about the prospect, as the more players and their characters means more neat interactions and all the goodness that comes with roleplaying. Another part of me is a bit intimidated by the work load, though what I'm doing for game should lessen that problem a bit. And yet another part of me is a little worried about the players, as some of them I'm not so familiar with, and I'm not sure if I'll be entirely comfortable with DMing for them.

Regardless, though, I'll be doing it. The idea that popped into my head was too good to pass up: different party, different continent... same world, same universe. So what that means is both parties 1 and 2 will exist simultaneously and have the chance of actually SEEING each other. And, depending on their goals... fight or work together.

It's a very awesome scenario, but just the concept that their choices will have a ripple effect on each other's stories is amazing. Additionally, the idea of player vs player or one GIANT party is just... awe-inspiring.

It's just... so crazy. I'm really excited. And the pre-game workload isn't too large because I have a ton of character ideas I wanted to use but couldn't, so now they can be used for these guys. It's a really awesome feeling. Though now I'm a little nervous. Hopefully they like it.

The craziest part about all of this though, I think, is that I'm actually willing to DM a third group... ohhhh my. But more on that as the story develops!

Rollin' for success,


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