Monday, July 22, 2013



I think a few posts in the not-so-distant future will be--you guessed it, stories!

In order to flesh out the characters of my D&D game, I want to try my hand at a little short story writing. Nothing too crazy long, maybe... what's short, 1000 words? Well, no more than that, I think, but I'm hoping it will be a good exercise in writing as well as a way to develop all these side/companion characters that my parties will be encountering and teaming up with.

To be honest I'm more than a little nervous. Despite liking to write and all that, I'm nothing more than an amateur. That, and I don't read as many books as I'd like to and it's been forever since I wrote fiction, so... yeah, amateur.

I mean, most of them are my friends, so I think I ought to be okay, but I know some are more critical of story elements and whatnot. I used to think I had these great and original ideas, but it turns out they weren't so original nor were they "great." I'm not so much concerned about the originality bit because it's fairly hard to be 100% original these days. The first quote I remember liking in regards to that: "Some writers confuse authenticity, which they ought always to aim at, with originality, which they should never bother about."

But the overall quality? Okay, but not great. Or maybe I'm just over-critical of myself. Who knows? You will, after possibly reading my stories!

Anyway, I must be off to start preparing for this little exercise. Take care,


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