Tuesday, July 16, 2013

DAY NINE - A Small World

So I work five days a week. My scheduling manager is fond of copy-and-paste schedules, which is A-OK with me because of the stability.

Anyway, on one of those five days I work with this girl. We get along alright, as we talk every now and then. The other day was pretty much business as usual, but as we were doing our pre-closing rituals, she ducked behind register and walked to the backroom.

She told me that she thought she had seen her ex-boyfriend parking outside of the restaurant. Awhile ago she said they had broken up because he had cheated on her with some 16 year-old girl (he himself being 22), so I already knew this guy was a douchenozzle. I didn't know why she would have to duck and hide from this guy, but then she related to me a story about how, one time after the break-up, she woke up and he was sitting or lying down or whatever next to her.

Turns out she had given him a key to her place but he never gave it up post-relationship, so she got... that. Naturally my response was... being absolutely speechless. He then, according to my coworker, begged her to take him back and that he loved her and so on and so forth. I also learned from her that he was apparently this shut-in or friendless guy who stayed home most nights and that he was one of those people who "doesn't know how to be single."

Now, the same conversation that I learned about this dude in the first place stemmed from me living five to ten minutes away walking; my coworker told me she used to walk to her boyfriend's place because it was also pretty close by. So flash-forward to the other day, and I learned that this guy also went to my old high school. I asked her if she minded telling me what the guy's name was, out of a small chance that I might know who it was.

Lo and behold, I did!

When I heard the guy's name, a moment passed by and then who it was exactly hit me. The same guy who was apparently a "loser" by all accounts was, from what I remembered, a fairly popular and outgoing guy in high school.  It was... crazy, to say the least.

I guess a lot can change in four years, but geez. What a small world.


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