Monday, July 29, 2013

DAY TWENTY-TWO - Cookin'... Papa?

I'm not very good with my hands, but every time I've tried cooking, I've enjoyed it. I've always wanted to learn how to cook specific dishes that I grew up with.

That may be a little surprising, as anyone who knows me in person knows I'm not very big on Asian food despite my Filipino background. If I had to point at one reason, it's probably because I was more or less surrounded by the stuff growing up. Once I got a job and started going out more, I experienced a whole variety of foods that I would, eight times out of ten, pick over any Asian dish.

Still, I like eating it every now and then. A few dishes that come to mind right now are menudo, sinigang and beef steak. They're all pretty tasty, but in addition to the taste, there's something just... comforting aobut the food. Maybe it's the familiarity or maybe it's the reminder of simpler times, but either way, I wanted to learn how to cook these foods.

Regardless of my closeness to my Filipino heritage, Filipino food is something I definitely want to expose my kids to in the future.

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