Monday, September 16, 2013

DAY 71 -Situations

Tempted to start off with an Escape the Fate reference, but I'll refrain.

Today was a pretty ordinary day in terms of workload. With autumn settling in and the weather getting colder, we're getting less and less people by the day. We've also been due for some rain, and forecasts are predicting a few days of it starting either tomorrow or Wednesday, so it will probably be getting slower. However, it was not the whole day I want to write about today, but more so about what happened in the last hour or so of work.

As I mentioned before, my manager is fond of keeping the same schedule from week to week. It's great because it gives me a framework to work around and all that. On any given Sunday/Monday, I work with a girl who has a really... interesting ex, with a really unhealthy obsession with her. So with that in mind, I'll give you three guesses who happened to show up an hour before closing time.

I didn't notice him at first because cars idled in front of our restaurant all the time and, to me, it seemed like any other car. I was soon informed otherwise by my coworker, who proceeded to panic about the whole thing. The ex sat in his car for awhile while my coworker hid in the back and for awhile I was uncertain what was going to happen. Given the stories I heard about him, I was pretty worried. Was he going to come in? Was he going to just sit there until we closed?

I tried to think of things I could do. She didn't want to talk to him, that much was clear. At one point a customer walked in and I ended up helping him, but that's when the creepy ex came in and for some reason he and my coworker left together. I was later able to see that they didn't go too far; just right outside the door. It seemed like an eternity as I stood nearby, looking over every now and then to see if they were still there and to verify nothing bad was going down.

A ton of things ran through my head. I don't know why, but I ran through a lot of scenarios in my head. Many of my solutions involved cops or stupid "heroism," but I knew they were both adults. Mostly. They could handle themselves fine without my interference, of course. I was just getting prepared for if things got... un-adult-like. I was also concerned over the contents of their conversation, hoping that she wouldn't be somehow convinced or forced back into a relationship with the dude despite him cheating on here with a high school girl.

Inevitably, though, she came back in with a rather upset look on her face. I found out that he told her he couldn't be her friend anymore because "every time [he] sees her, [he] falls in love with [her]," and that she felt terrible for some reason. At the time, it was kind of surreal. I told her that I would be mad if I was in that situation and sitting down here to type this and take it all in, I've become... horribly indignant. Much more so than I was at the time, and it didn't even happen to me!

But seriously, you cheat on someone with an underage partner and you have the god damn audacity to say you can't be that person's friend? I... want to keep this blog profanity-free, but please know that there are at least a dozen f-bombs I'd like to write right now. Holy crap.

Thankfully she didn't take him back. And hopefully it stays that way.

In retrospect, I'm glad I don't have to deal with this type of drama in my personal life because JEEZUS.

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