Friday, September 20, 2013

DAY 75 - Hairy

I finally installed Final Fantasy XIV and got to play around with it a bit before going to work. My friend had already shown me the customization part of the game, but now that I was able to take my time with it and fool around a bit, I found it quite enjoyable and far more customizable than World of Warcraft ever was, at least in terms of beginning characters. Looking over the options for the male human character, though, made me realize something.

So a couple of weeks ago I mentioned I used to have really long hair, like down-to-my-waist long. During that same time period, I also tried to grow something else on-and-off, something that FFXIV lacks in terms of character customization (that I've seen so far): facial hair! 

It's kind of funny now because that would essentially spell the ultimate neckbeard, but at the time I wanted to try it out. I wasn't going to go all-out with the facial hair--no fu manchu or anything. Just something to make myself look a little "rugged." Unfortunately for me, my ancestry doesn't quite support the rugged beard-type; instead all I get is some scraggly nonsense. Try as I might, all I get is a light beard. Not the thick, glorious, manly beard but... whiskers.

I also wished I had the type of facial hair that would connect my mustache hair with the rest of the beard. As it stands, it seems that they're destined to be forever apart. I've gotten accustomed to the idea of having X number of ways to wear my facial hair, though, just like I'll have to for FFXIV's beard-age. 

That's not to knock it, though. It's a very, very light complaint, but I thought I'd share it along with my own hair (mis)adventures too. Good night!

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