Thursday, September 19, 2013

DAY 74 - Downloading...

An editor's note, if you will, about yesterday's post: whenever I was referring to FFXIV, I neglected to add the "A Realm Reborn" part. That's somewhat significant because initially XIV came out and it was fairly similar to the its other online predecessor, Final Fantasy XI. XIV got scrapped and most of the original people who worked on it got canned, SquareEnix brought in a new group of people and rebuilt the game. So yeah, a part of me wanted to clarify that so here that is. 

Now I've officially taken the plunge and bought the game! It comes with a month free to play it and see what it's like, so besides the initial $30 investment, I can stop I think at any time. The site is a real pain to navigate, though, and there is a lot of red tape to navigate--and I mean a lot. It took me around an hour to figure out exactly what I needed to do, though I might also attribute that to being tired. 

After a long struggle with registration passwords and client downloads (I literally had to Google the client because it didn't readily appear--as far as I know--on the site. How messed is that?) I'm now in the process of downloading the game. My other complaint now, though it's more on my side, is that it's going to take forever for it to download. I believe it requires 20GB of data and... well... currently, I'm downloading at such as slow pace it'll take about 19 hours for everything. I am a simultaneously patient and impatient person. Part of me feels I'll be okay, but the other part of me is going WHADDAFUQ right now. I'll be heading to bed soon, so hopefully by the time I wake up it's done. 

But man... thinking about this makes me realize how far we've come with technology. I was still in junior high when dial up internet was the most prevalent form of internet. I remember when 1GB was a lot of data. I'm looking forward to the day where a 1TB installation will take a day.

Well, at least for the majority of people. I'm sure there's some lucky folks out there with that kind of speed.

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