Sunday, September 22, 2013

DAY 77 - Waking Up

Today I woke up about 20 minutes before my alarm clock was scheduled to go off. That's been happening a lot lately for one reason or another, but thankfully I'm never (incredibly) tired during work. This morning was markedly different than the other days, though, because I remembered that my birthday was coming up in a few weeks.

And then I realized that I'd be turning 25. From there my mind jumped around a lot.

I thought about all the things I haven't done yet, like college or living on my own. I'm ashamed to admit that my workout plan hasn't started yet, though I have everything I need to get started. I thought about the future, where I'll be in another 10 years; will I still be here, in the same, old house with the same, old worries about the future? Right now my excuse would be "I'm still young" or something to that effect, but 35... I would ideally have had kids by that point. Settled down, moved out, have a "good" job.

I remembered thinking the exact same thing while I was in high school, still scared about what the future might hold. "Where will I be when I'm 25? Will I be teaching by then? Out on my own, living and doing things by myself (or with someone)?" I thought a lot about how crazy it was that I'll be a quarter-century old. I assessed my life and while I'm no where as accomplished as others my age, I think I'm pretty happy. Or perhaps content is the word?

While at work I realized I've now known one of my friends for exactly 10 years. That may not seem like a feat in and of itself, but I'm still amazed. 10 years seems simultaneously long and short. I'm definitely getting older.

I remember hearing with some regularity during high school that you should do X or do Y because one day you'll wake up and realize you're old and unhappy or whatever. It's interesting that this sort of happened to me, but it doesn't stop me from thinking the phrase is silly. Hm. I ought to try and motivate myself, maybe with another cliche:

I'm not getting any younger.

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