Monday, September 2, 2013

DAY 57 - Labor Day

Today is (or was) Labor Day, and boy are my arms tired! 

That's actually a true statement and not a joke. My arms are somewhat sore and my feet are kinda aching, but that's generally what it's like after a day of work.

Yes, I celebrated the day the United States celebrates those who work by taking the day off and not working... by working. Furthermore, the job I have currently doesn't do time-and-a-half, and it's the kind of restaurant that should be open 24/7, 365 days a year barring any freak accidents. And to top that all off, I also missed out on a family barbecue hangout thing today, which is made even worse by the fact that one of my cousins who goes to college three hours away was also in town for said barbecue. 

But despite all that negativeness, I don't really feel mad or angry with my situation. I suppose it's because I'm used to it, as the theater job I held before this restaurant gig was very similar. Open every day of the week, even holidays and all that. The silver lining in this new job, though, is that on holidays we might be able to close early and... that's what we did! A whole hour early, which doesn't make a huge difference (I still didn't make it back in time for the barbecue), but it's still one more hour for me to get home and relax... and to type this, of course.

I started thinking about my reaction to today and my past experiences with working on holidays and things. My old place was pretty strict about everything. If you can't work a particular day for a holiday reason despite putting it down on your availability, that was grounds for termination. 

Man, just writing that down makes me realize how terrible that job really was. Anyway...

I've missed out on a lot of things: birthday parties, family gatherings, even Christmas or the turning of the new year. Thankfully my boss at the restaurant is fairly generous for days off, so long as I do it ahead of time, so hopefully I won't have to miss anymore important things. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but I'm feeling optimistic. 

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