Sunday, September 15, 2013


So I'm a dungeon master for two different Dungeons and Dragons groups. The plan is to run a game on Thursday and Friday afternoons into the evening every week. 

Or perhaps, more appropriately, that was the plan.

The original group, the first group I ever DM'd for, looks to be pretty much destroyed as of my typing this. The main reason behind this sounds incredibly trivial, but it essentially boils down to a Facebook status. One of my friends and a player in both D&D groups posted a status referring to a crazy thing he did in the past, but within the status he used the term "friend zone." I'll be writing a blog about that beast later, but here's a preview: I wrote on said status saying that the friend zone didn't exist. 

A mutual friend came in and disagreed, then a whole lot of people commented. One in particular was a player in the first group and in a few words, she's on the far left politically and also not afraid to speak her mind. The mutual friend who disagreed with me interacted with her I guess (I say this because when I woke up, he had deleted his comments to make it look like she was talking to herself), and then another guy came in and started arguing with her in a largely inappropriate manner. After the whole debacle she ultimately defriended the status-maker plus anyone else she was friends with who commented on that status minus myself.

Two of the people she removed were a part of the D&D group. We also hosted the game at her place. So yeah, that group is wrecked. Now I'm sitting here, merging my plans from the first game with the second game and looking over all the missed opportunities, the (hopefully) awesome reveals I had planned, everything. It's really depressing. The whole situation is infuriating as well, because why have that one friend who's a total dick and not do anything about it when he causes trouble with your other friends? 

We'll see how it pans out, I guess. But holy crap, man.

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