Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DAY 79 - 'Fraid

Halloween is a little over a month away and that got me to thinking about scary things.

In short, I am no good with scary things whatsoever. At least real-time things.

Contrary to what some folks might say about violent video games making people equally violent, I can't stand watching any of that grotesque, bloody violence in live-action movies. I also am very easily surprised. That coupled with even slightly scary things makes it all the worse. To give you an idea: I flinched pretty badly near the end of The Departed--spoiler--wherein Leonardo DiCaprio's character gets shot in the head as soon as the elevator door opened. Granted, I think it was actually still pretty shocking, but hot damn that scared me. Another extremely mild example is whenever I think I'm alone and I start singing or think aloud; whenever I am promptly proven wrong, I kind of jump or reply loudly.

If it's at all within my power I tend to stop the video or the gif or whatever before it gets a chance to spook me. Even when I'm fully expecting a jump scare, I can never truly prepare for it. One thing I do which I am pretty sure is annoying is to do the jump scare myself; that is, suddenly move or something. Ruins the mood, I'd say, but holy crap. Long after a scary video or story or whatever, the memory of it stays with me for awhile and it's enough to make me extremely paranoid.

Back when I worked at my old theater job, whenever I had something scary in recent memory, the long hour trip back via public transportation was just... dreadful, haha. I walked along a road that was pretty dark for a good stretch of it and, on top of that, my neighborhood isn't exactly "well-lit" to begin with. My new job is actually right next to where I'd get off the bus I took from my old job, so the travel back home has been cut drastically. Still doesn't change the fact that my neighborhood doesn't have too many lights. The sunlight's been waning with each passing day, too.

A few days ago I learned of a new, highly-rated haunted house thing where the premise was that you'd have to go through it alone and it's pitch-dark. In addition, the actors inside the place are allowed to touch you. The video for the thing itself wasn't too scary, but the idea of being "alone" in the dark... holy hell. I've been getting more and more paranoid each night every time I think about it.

The one medium I can tolerate scary things is writing. I thoroughly enjoy creepy short stories and one time I read through a site's whole archive. It was pretty fun, though walking home at night? Not so much.

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