Wednesday, September 4, 2013

DAY 59 - Rage

Last night I got a lot more sleep than I normally did. Usually I get about 6-7 hours of sleep, but last night I think it was more along the lines of 10. I can't say I was particularly tired over the last few weeks, but for some reason I just fell asleep way earlier than I normally did. So with that in mind, I thought I would feel more rested or generally just better.

While I don't recall feeling sleepy-tired, I do recall feeling a lot of something else: anger.

I'm not sure why. Every little thing at work just angered me a lot more than it would have on any other given day. The same things happened today that would happen any other day, but for some reason it just set me off. Thankfully I never got mad at a customer; usually I settled down as soon as I started talking to one. It was always just a flash of unbridled rage for some reason or another.

It got to a point where I started getting mad at things that weren't even at work, like thinking on bad times when I should have gotten angry or been angrier at the time. It sort of devolved into a "why me" situation, which is never a good thing. After I had my lunch break, though, I started to settle down mentally. It's interesting... sort of like the Snickers deal, hm.

I don't think I tend to get mad often. I think if anything I let a lot more things slide, which is strange considering today. The only times I remember getting mad are at video games or at people being terribly stupid, but there was none of that at work today. Maybe next time I'll just have a light snack or something, that seemed to do the trick today.

Oh god, that sounds like weight getting ready to be added. 

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