Thursday, September 12, 2013

DAY 67 - Home Alone

I woke up alone today. I don't mind it as it tends to happen often, but it does remind me of a creepy story I read a couple of years back.

In it, the protagonist spent his time alone in the basement of an apartment complex, working on some project or other for work. Occasionally he'd leave his room to get a drink or walk around the place, and every time he was alone. No one around; no one in the halls, seemingly no one in their rooms, not a single car nor pedestrian on the street. At one point he got either bored, paranoid or both and hid his webcam somewhere in the hallway outside his room so he could see who might be coming.

The order gets a little blurry to me, but later he gets a strange email or series of panicked emails that prompts him to try and contact some people, both online and through phone. After a number of attempts with each one getting weirder or creepier, I think his so-called best female friend tries to get in touch with him. The main character gets more and more paranoid and the best friend eventually shows up with the police to try to get him to come out peaceably. I won't ruin the ending, but hot dang was that a good story.

When I first read it, I remember the house being really, really quiet. I hadn't received a text or a message at all while I read, and it seemed like nobody was online, so a combination of the story and my own personal situation amplified the creepiness.

That's not to say that being alone is scary to me, but I suppose it's more of the idea of being alone and knowing/thinking that you can't talk to anyone ever again sort of thing. I spend most of my time after work in my room alone, but I know people are around to talk to somewhere. Technology is great. Well, except in the story I was talking about.

Anyway, I'll be heading out now. I've got some things to do, hence the afternoon post.


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