Saturday, September 7, 2013

DAY 62 - Dizzy Diet

The past few days I've been getting dizzy at seemingly random. That is to say, I can be doing something like sitting at the computer typing something up and be fine, but later I start getting nauseous and have to lie down for an extended period of time.

I thought I knew what was causing it, but I think it might be in relation to being hungry as well. In preparation for my working out next week I've been looking up a proper weight-loss diet. I was able to estimate how many calories my body needs per day and, using that knowledge, have aimed for my diet to be 20% less; in this case, I think it was 1500/1900-ish. As such I think my body is still trying to get used to the lessened calories because, in one instance, when I ate some leftover chips I felt a little better afterward. Hopefully it'll stop in time for my first workout, because I doubt being dizzy while lifting free weights is a good idea.

Speaking of diet, it's either because I never really paid attention to calories or because I didn't know how many calories I personally needed to get by, but holy crap is everything so... calorie-ful. As I previously mentioned, my target calorie goal is ~1500; my break at work alone was around 1000 or so! I was really surprised to say the least, but also a little worried about how my diet will pan out in the future. I need to look up general calorie counts for things because I don't think I'd be comfortable asking folks at restaurants how many calories X or Y product is... at least not yet.

I also need to focus on eating protein foods because that's what is supposed to make you feel "full" as well as help build muscles. I plan on buying a protein powder supplement thing that I'll mix in with water or milk because, as it turns out, I have very little access to protein. The site referencing for the needed protein is about 1 gram per pound of your weight, and I think the total protein I'm going to have today is 50-60g. So waaaaaaaaaaay less.

Talking about it all is making me both excited and nervous, ha. Anyway, that's enough out of me today. More diet things to come, hohoh.

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