Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Different Direction

This is not a continuation of the "blog every day" challenge. I have clearly failed that. There will be a time when I try my hand yet again at writing something daily for a year, but now is not that time. In the mean time, this blog will be taking a... decidedly different direction.

I've been struggling with how to word this post for a little while but as an amateur writer trying to get back into the swing of things, it's simultaneously agonizing and invigorating. For a long while this post was incredibly long-winded and, in many ways, jumping the gun on future posts. It also got super pity-party, which I'm not sure how it got to... But before I start rambling, let's get to the bare bones of this situation.

I'm here for several reasons. One nostalgic reason is that I miss the whole blogging deal. I grew up with Xanga and even made some cool friends through it. That was then, though, and this is now; two very different situations, but hey, it's nostalgia.

Another reason is fairly trivial, and it's that I am taking a break from Facebook. This reason is twofold: while it's a great tool to keep in touch with people, I've found myself going to it only to close the tab a few seconds later. Second, I... am exercising my better judgement and instead doing something stupid, I'm just going to take a step back and collect myself.

And lastly... well, that last part I think is rather on point. "Take a step back and collect myself." A lot has happened in the past half-year since I failed the 365-post challenge and it got me thinking about... well, everything really. The people and things I've known, lost, hated and loved. I think I've been too complacent and put off dealing with anything remotely serious for far too long.

Lately, though, I've been feeling different. Tired of being this detached. So I want to explore everything and everyone that's been important to me. Dive right into it. And to do that, I want and need to start writing again. It's the main reason why I'm back here, the raisin debt-ra--er, raison d'etre. If that's one positive I'd credit to Facebook, it's that seeing my friends getting out there and write, write, write... well, it's damned inspiring is what it is.

This is... mostly for myself. Of course it is. Talking about yourself and your past, who else would be interested in that besides you? On some level I'm hoping that seeing my past scrawled out in front of me will give me some kind of clarity, a "eureka" moment, but... well, we'll just have to see how it goes. It's probably going to be sappy, or crappy, or a little bit of both.

Realistically, the latter.